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LOWONGAN KERJA TERBARU ( LOWKER TERBARU ) Bismillah, Semoga yang kami share informasi Lowker ini bisa membantu anda yang belum mendapatkan penghasilan tambahan terutama kaum laki-laki. Jika tidak ada tanggal penutupan lowongan kerja, itu berarti Informasi ini berlaku maksimal 2 minggu setelah informasi ini di posting atau secepatnya hingga kuota penuh (lebih baik anda hubungi nomer HP/BBM HRD atau datang ke tempat lokasi). 

Kami tidak bertanggung jawab jika ada penyalahgunakan informasi ini....!!! HATI-HATI .....!!! Jika ada lowongan kerja pada saat pendaftaran maupun perekrutan dipaksa menggunakan jasa travel dan iming-iming mengganti dana akomodasi transport atau membayar uang jasa perekrutan, itu semua PENIPUAN...!!! Selalu kunjungi lowongan-kerja-asli.blogspot.com dan +++ TETAPLAH BERDOA DAN BERUSAHA +++



(Kota Surabaya)

Kami membuka peluang karir bagi para fresh graduate & profesional dengan kualifikasi berikut :

1. Staff Administrasi (D3-S1)

2. Staff Operational (SMA/SMK)

3. Customer Services (D3-S1)

Siap ditempatkan di area cabang RFB NEWS GROUP INDONESIA dikota surabaya


Gelombang 1 :

Senin & Selasa, 22-23 Mei 2017

Pukul 09:00 s/d 12:00

Gelombang 2 :

Senin & Selasa, 29-30 Mei 2017

Pulul 09:00 s/d 12:00

Lokasi : Jl. Pemuda No 60-70, Gedung Sinar Mas Land Plaza Lantai 16 kav 1601-1609, Surabaya-Jawa Timur

dengan subject :

1. Kode ADM (administrasi)

2. Kode OPT (operational)

3. Kode CS (customer services)

For more info / up :

Adikusuma 082153777238

Berpakaian rapi & formal, membawa CV lengkap beserta pas foto 4x6 berwarna

Undangan ini bersifat terbuka, Anda diperkenankan untuk mengeshare lowongan. Silahkan hadir di lokasi dan waktu yang telah ditentukan.

As an online medium of vacancy information rekrutmen will always try to provide the latest job information and can be trusted. The many fraudulent mode of job vacancies keeps the applicant or job seeker confused as to what the original and the fake are. It would be nice if you get from a reliable recruitment site, contact the company if necessary, and make sure you are more careful when applying for a job. usually reputable companies will perform recruitment through personal or official sites and also use recruitment parties that can be trusted. when you apply online make sure you register through the official website address and if using email, make sure the email used is company email. sometimes there are also companies that use email in general but it would be nice you contact the company bersangkuta to inquire the authenticity of these vacancies. You do not need to give money or other rewards to the company, every job recruitment is free. vacancy registration is free and if you are asked for a fee, it can be ascertained that it is a fake recruitment. be a smart applicant, you may be pressured into your situation to get work done fast, but you also have to use your logic. everything good results comes from your efforts. Here we get job vacancy information from UI website that is about the receipt of employee of PT Wijaya Karya Gedung (WIKA Gedung), PT Wijaya Karya Gedung as one of subsidiaries of PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) engaged in business on private buildings, offices, apartments , condo hotels, shopping centers, educational facilities, and other commercial buildings. with the development of PT WIKA Gedung, also doing business development for overseas market and gather experience and class to enter the market of central government, local government, and SOE. PT WIKA Gedung established on October 24, 2008 WIKA owns 99% shares of PT WIKA Gedung, the remaining 1% is owned by WIKA Employee Cooperative. Synergy with WIKA Group is to create property market opportunities and use products and services produced by WIKA Group. Currently WIKA Group that meurpakan company engaged in the construction of High Rise is opening job vacancy to the best son for a career in the field of construction throughout the company's operational areas.