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*Berminat buat lamaran d tujukan kepada Up. Bapak Anthony
Jl.Gardu Induk PLN no.3
Margomulyo - Tandes - Surabaya
Lokasi :PT. INDOYOKE bersebelahan dgn Indoprima Tanyak BMI dari BMI notok belok kiri tanyak Security PT. INDOYOKE
*Bilang ke Security mau menemui P.Anthony Supervisor NPA utk melamar Pekerjaan
*Lowongan Kerja ini di buka sampai terisi di bagian tersbt tapi di utamakan yg datang
Harap CV / LAMARAN di Up. Bapak Anthony baik di depan Sampul amplop maupun d dalam lamaran bagi yg berminat datang jam 07.30 s/d 08:00 harus sudah stand bye di PT. INDOYOKE Trims.
NB : Di beritaukan Kita bisa ngrikut Karyawan perharinya hanya 12 Orang apabila yg datang lebih dari tersbt Kita akan hubungi hari berikutnya sampai LOKER tersbt terisi Ok Trims

OL SHOP Terpercaya dan Gratis Ongkos Kirim silahkan cek di SINI

The Story of a Successful Plumber ~ One day the Mercedes Benz boss has a problem with the water faucet at his home. The tap is always leaking until he fears his son slipped down. On the recommendation of a friend, Mr. Benz called a plumber to fix his faucet. The repair agreement was determined 2 days later because the plumber was apparently quite busy.The plumber had no idea that the caller was the boss of the biggest car company in Germany. One day after Mr.Benz's call, the plumber pack contacted mr.Benz to thank him for being ready to wait another day. The Mercy-play on words bewildered over the service and the way the plumber spoke. On the agreed day, the plumber came to Mr.Benz's house to fix the leaky faucet. After the kutak therehere, the cranes are fixed and the plumber comes home after receiving payment for his services.About two weeks after that day, the plumber contacted Mr.Benz to ask if the repaired faucet was completely fixed or problems still arising? Mr. Benz thinks this guy must be a great person even a plumber. Mr. Benz answered on the phone that the faucet in his house was completely fixed and thanked for the plumber service.Did you know that a few months later Mr. Benz recruited the plumber to work in his company? Yes, his name is Christopher L.Jr. Currently he is General director of Customer Satisfactionand Public Relation at Mercedez Benz!PlumberDo not forget and apply in daily behavior:1. Enter only nutritious information and advice for our brain. Never give her trash.2. Do not let fear defeat us. Face him eye to eye!3. Smile sincerely until our teeth are seen and Be a fun person.4. Always add cheese and best service even if it is not requested