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Lowker Hotel Alimar Premier

LOWONGAN KERJA TERBARU ( LOWKER TERBARU ) Bismillah, Semoga yang kami share informasi Lowker ini bisa membantu anda yang belum mendapatkan penghasilan tambahan terutama kaum laki-laki. Jika tidak ada tanggal penutupan lowongan kerja, itu berarti Informasi ini berlaku maksimal 2 minggu setelah informasi ini di posting atau secepatnya hingga kuota penuh (lebih baik anda hubungi nomer HP/BBM HRD atau datang ke tempat lokasi). 

Kami tidak bertanggung jawab jika ada penyalahgunakan informasi ini....!!! HATI-HATI .....!!! Jika ada lowongan kerja pada saat pendaftaran maupun perekrutan dipaksa menggunakan jasa travel dan iming-iming mengganti dana akomodasi transport atau membayar uang jasa perekrutan, itu semua PENIPUAN...!!! Selalu kunjungi lowongan-kerja-asli.blogspot.com dan +++ TETAPLAH BERDOA DAN BERUSAHA +++

edisi hanya bantu teman HRD..

tanya2nya lgs ke HRD nya pd saat interview aja yah?







a) Usia max 40 thn (Security Hotel), 30 thn (Cleaning Service, Housekeeping & Front Office)

b) Lulusan SMK Perhotelan / Sederajat

c) Pria, Wanita (Front Office)

d) Pengalaman kerja minimal 1 tahun

e) Mampu bekerja dengan cepat

f) Rajin, Jujur & Bertanggung Jawab

g) Tidak merokok lebih diutamakan

h) Penampilan menarik menjadi nilai Plus

Kirim Lamaran Lengkap ke:

Alimar Premier Hotel

Jl. Dr. Ir. H. Soekarno 134 SURABAYA

(Dharmahusada Indah Timur M-197)

Telp: (031) 5917 5000

Tersedia Gaji & Service Charge Menarik

"Wajib cantumkan Jabatan yang anda lamar & hanya yang memenuhi kualifikasi saja yang akan dipanggil"

The story of a farmer with his rice field
Fortunate Life Before Reaping Success
On a beautiful morning, in a beautiful rice field, a farmer was seen standing looking at the rice plant in his wide green field stretched.
It's been a month more rice in planting, now the leaves have been green. After wandering among the patches of his fields, his eyes stopped in the weeds between his crops. The grass is seen to flourish and even more fertile than the rice plant.
Day the day, the sun is getting hotter. Without waiting for long, Pak Tani rolled up his sleeve, went down to the paddy fields and weeded the grass between the pepadians. The plot after he cleaned, while the heat of the sun increasingly stung. Sweat Pak Tani pouring, occasionally he wiped his face with his sleeve. He does not care about the heat that burns his skin.
Unconsciously the adhan Dhuhr reverberated from a distance. He paused, then stepped to the edge, walked down the embankment and stopped in a small hut in the middle of his field. He faned the hood on his head into his exhausted face, the gentle breeze refreshing his body, which was flushed and soaked with sweat. A bottle of drink he reached, with a few gulps he treated the thirst he had felt. A moment later he picked up the food beside him, opened it, and ate it greedily, nothing left. Ok ..., how delicious it is to eat in the middle of rice fields that begin to green with a breeze, accompanied by the chirping of birds. It's a natural scene ahead, a green expanse under the blue sky ...
After feeling well rested, he rushed to a creek beside his rice field. He took wudlu water, went back to the hut, changed clothes, and ... Alloohu akbar! He stood facing the Qiblah with full kekhusyu'an. Masya Alloh, in the middle of his rice field he is not negligent to prostrate facing the Divine. After he finished his prayers, he quipped on with his long work, clearing the grass that grew amongst the crops.
The story of a farmer with his rice field
After a while, suddenly the sky changes color, blue and bright that since morning decorate the sky suddenly become cloudy that envelop, several times the sound of lightning starts to grab. Without waiting for a long rain the quip descended from the sky with a torrent soaking up all the plants that grew in the rice fields. For a moment Mr. Farmer stopped his work, stunned looking around, quiet no one is still in the surrounding rice fields, then he continued his work again.
The rain was getting hotter, the lightning rattling in the sky was deafening. Mr. Farmer did not budge from his activities, though his body was soaking wet, with his little hoe he continued down the sidewalks of his rice plant, spouting the soil and pulling out the wild grass. The heat that had burned had vanished and changed the cold that pierced the bone. Every now and then his body shook like a shiver, but he did not care, he kept walking. Suddenly a lightning flashes like in front of his face, then ... DUARRR !! The thunderclap of lightning followed the golden yellow lightning that drifted from the sky down in a few seconds.
Suddenly Mr. Farmer was shocked, his body shook and almost fell backward. He
rubbing his chest as he mutters, "Subhanalloh ...". He stood in silence, again he looked around. As far as the eye could see, only the visible rain, the leaves bowed with water, silent ..., only the rain water was heard. He just realized he lived a man who was standing in the middle of the rice field. There was a gripping silence, not a cricket of play on words, only the roar of the wind and the rain and the thunderous lightning. Suddenly his little heart said, "You must go home, nature is not friendly, you can get wretched by lightning ...". Then he looked at all the corners of his rice field, looking rice leaves bowed to the cold, he sighed for a moment and murmured, "Whatever happens I will still take care of you o rice, because I'm sure one day I will definitely harvest you". Then, he played on words to continue his work.
Not long afterwards, faint sounds of Ashar's call to prayer from a distance in the voices of the gurgling water began to subside. Mr. Farmer stopped his work, wandered to the edge down the embankment to the hut, fixed his supplies and walked home with a happy heart, no matter how drenched, cold-stained.
Thus the struggle of Mr. Tani is relentless, no matter how hot and rainy, for the sake of his crop which he is sure will surely he will harvest. He believes someday will enjoy the results of his work today. So, he will never give up facing all the challenges and obstacles that face. He decided to offer the best.
It should be, so are we in the fight