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PT. Bintang Indo Jaya (Roti Boy) Lowker


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Bismillah, Semoga yang kami share informasi Lowker ini bisa membantu anda yang belum mendapatkan penghasilan tambahan terutama kaum laki-laki.

Jika tidak ada tanggal penutupan lowongan kerja, itu berarti Informasi ini berlaku maksimal 2 minggu setelah informasi ini di posting atau secepatnya hingga kuota penuh (lebih baik anda hubungi nomer HP/BBM HRD atau datang ke tempat lokasi). Kami tidak bertanggung jawab jika ada penyalahgunakan informasi ini....!!!

HATI-HATI .....!!! Jika ada lowongan kerja pada saat pendaftaran maupun perekrutan dipaksa menggunakan jasa travel dan iming-iming mengganti dana akomodasi transport atau membayar uang jasa perekrutan, itu semua PENIPUAN...!!!

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PT. Bintang Indo Jaya (Roti Boy) adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang bakery, mengundang para profesional muda untuk bergabung menduduki posisi :

1. BAKER OUTLET – kode (BR0)

2. KASIR OUTLET – kode (KRO)


Syarat – Syarat :

1. Pria/wanita usia max. 27 thn ( 1,2,3)

2. Pendidikan min. SMU sederajat / jurusan tata boga / perhotelan (1,2,3 )

3. Bisa mengoperasikan computer & MS – Office (1,2)

4. Memiliki sikap mental positif, bertanggung jawab, jujur, memiliki pribadi yang baik, mampu bekerjasama dengan team (1,2,3)

5. Berpenampilan menarik, memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang supel dan fleksibel dengan customer ( 1,2)

6. Wajib memiliki kemampuan di bidang bakery ( pembuatan roti ) khusus (BRP)

Lamaran harap di kirim ke

PT. Bintang Indo Jaya

alamat Jl.Rungkut Industri 3 No.34 B Surabaya

atau via e-mail : reza_hr@rotiboysurabaya.com

The Story of a Successful Trip of Children Who Was Trapped DrugsThe journey of life never stops until the last breath blows. In that journey, we will always meet various values ​​of learning. Whether it's a bitter, sweet, obstacles or challenge event, it all has a value that we can make the next step further. Apart from self-experience, we can also learn and take lessons from the experiences of others. And this is what I experienced on my way some time ago.If in the last week I got a lot of wisdom from the extraordinary story of a fish netra who became entrepreneurs, this time I also found a spirit that is not less extraordinary. When invited to fill the Asian Agri workshop in Banjarmasin on Monday, January 14, 2008 ago, I met one of the fans at a television show held by SMART FM Banjarmasin Radio.He was one of those who had testified to my book 15 Wisdom and Success. The man named Jon Kelana was once a drug addict.A few years ago, Jon, who listened to my motivational story delivered via Radio SMART FM broadcasted to 10 major cities in Indonesia at that time, apparently the Jon motivated and arise his consciousness to stop consuming illicit goods.The man who still appears to be an incision in the arm - a sign he is a former heavy drug addict - is then determined to be completely free from drugs. Trade meatballs that he did not properly care, eventually made Jon as "escape" to be free from drugs.What made me amazed after so long not to meet him is his passionate spirit. His body of play on words is now much more fresh and well groomed than it was a few years ago when he testified in my class. Amazingly, Jon who used to have only two meatball counter, now has managed to expand to have seven stalls meatballs. If the first meatball only used as an outlet for not labeled unemployment, now meatball is reallyhas raised himself to two achievements at once. Achievement free from drugs and business achievements that can support many people.Jon's business, named Bakso Mas Jon Kelana is even his turnover in a day to reach millions of dollars. He confessed the smallest gross income in his baksonak stall a day reached two millions of rupiah! In fact, for the shop which is inside the Mall Banjarmasin, turnover reaches four millions per day. Of course, not the value of this number that makes me unnerved.However, the spirit of learning and constantly turning into a better person should be an example of learning for anyone.He has managed to prove that success is the right of everyone, "Achievement is My Right". Jon who once considered to have a gloomy future, now it has a glorious future. In fact, he was poised to increase his baks to enter every districtin Banjarmasin area. What an incredible aspiration of a young boy who was trapped in drugs.Again, this is a real learning in life. That is that the quip people can change. If you want, be able, and try with maximum plus have mental wealth, everyone has the right to succeed. Achievement is My Right! Think and Action !!!