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CV. Mitra Megah Mandiri

LOWONGAN KERJA ASLI TERBARU Bismillah, Semoga yang kami share informasi ini bisa membantu anda yang belum mendapatkan penghasilan tambahan terutama kaum laki-laki. Kami tidak bertanggung Jawab jika ada penyalahgunakan informasi ini. HATI-HATI Jika ada lowongan kerja pada saat test dipaksa menggunakan jasa travel dan iming-iming mengganti dana akomodasi transport atau membayar uang jasa perekrutan, itu semua PENIPUAN. TETAPLAH BERDOA DAN BERUSAHA

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1. Wanita

2. Pendidikan min SMA sederajat

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4. Niat kerja & sanggup bekerja dlm tekanan

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6. Mampu berkomunikasi dg baik

7. Bisa memakai komputer

Silahkan kirim langsung CV lengkap anda ke:

CV. Mitra Megah Mandiri

Kompleks pergudangan indoserena blok a29, jl. Tambak sawah no.9 waru

From A Chen Zhang
(Textile Entrepreneurs In China)
The Low Entrepreneur
After passing the time for almost 2 sticks, I finally arrived at a city that became the center of weaving material, finally I met with Chen Zhang, a material entrepreneur whose products are quite selling, because there is an excess of textile production compositions by his company Chen Zhang has not been done by similar material companies in China.
From the meeting with the material manager the impression that I can take the positive lesson is
1. The person is welcome, friendly and cheap smile.
2. Would like to exemplify some occasional technical work to its employees.
3. Want to pick up as some entrepreneurs in China and Indonesia I know.
4. Want to spend time for guests (time investment) without knowing the time like some entrepreneurs in Indonesia that I know.
5. Practicing the science of giving and serving that affects the business.
6. All customers are served with the same standard of service.
7. Diligent and immediately understand the needs of the client and provide solutions.
And the nice thing is that I treated him to Shun Fu Seafood Restourant, we went to the restaurant using his luxury car that already use the GPS system, we dialogue around the family, because by chance we are one clan of the Chen clan, he told me that the Chen clan in China has many who became a great entrepreneur, we talked about economic conditions and other light conversations, and we took a picture taken together in front of the restaurant.
Best Regards,